A decade is a beautifully fulsome length of time, as evidenced by our fascination with looking at the 1900s in ten-year blocks, juxtaposing historical events and fashion trends and pop culture!
Back in 2014, I had already been writing for over ten years, off and on, but I knew I was nowhere close to knowing all I needed to know about fiction writing, and furthermore that I could never possibly reach that level of knowledge - I'd never want to! Discoveries, often made by diving deeper rather than wider, are one of the joys of being creative, and the past ten years have given me plenty of those.
While I've shared a number of my creative explorations and innovations before on Something Delicious, some of them never made it into any blog posts, either because they just didn't quite fit or weren't enough to make up a whole post on their own.
This is the last post I'll likely share on Something Delicious (more about that at the end 😉✨), and so this seemed like the perfect time to tumble this medley of discoveries onto the page.